Brown, Bradley O
Warning conference Revocation warrantedThis gun dealer was cited for 19 violations. The inspection resulted in a warning conference.
A warning conference is held when a licensee has significant or repeat violations. During the conference, an area supervisor offers the licensee specific guidance on how to achieve compliance.
The licensee was found eligible for revocation. The majority of licensees whose violations merit revocation under ATF guidelines ultimately receive a lesser penalty from an ATF director of industry operations.
ATF data indicates that this license is no longer active.
1908 Fruitvale Blvd
Yakima, WA 98901
Yakima County
Number | 9-91-077-01-9D-01282 |
Type | Dealer in firearms |
Expiry | License inactive |
Inspection Timeline
Compliance inspections are conducted by one or more ATF officers. After the lead investigator submits a recommendation, one or more ATF supervisors will review the inspection and either concur with or adjust the recommendation.
This page contains information about a single inspection conducted between 2015 and 2017. The ATF may have inspected this licensee before and/or after the inspection detailed here.
Officers spent a total of 351.25 hours conducting this inspection. 278 days passed between the assignment and the final review. The licensee received a final outcome of warning conference.
Hover over underlined text to see definitions of common terms.
IOI redacted recommends Revocation for the following violations, inspection history and continued business practices: 27 CFR 478.21(a) Forms Prescribed (Repeat of Violation 2014) Failure to furnish complete information as indicated by the headings on the form and the instructions on or pertaining to the form. On redacted occasions the licensee failed to furnish complete information on the Firearms Transaction Record (ATF F 4473 ). 27 CFR 478.25a Responses to Requests for Information (Trace Request) Each Licensee shall respond immediately to and in no event later than 24 hours after the receipt of, a request by an ATF officer at the National Tracing Center for information contained in the records required to be kept by this part for determining of one or more firearms in the course of a bona fide criminal investigation. The licensee failed to respond to redacted Trace request. IOI redacted complete redacted trace request. The licensee failed to respond to redacted trace request of information, licensee will not call the National Tracing Center back as instructed with the requested information. The NTC must call Mr. Brown to receive the requested information. The licensee has refused to accept information from NTC by stating that he is an employee and NTC must call back, Mr. Brown does not have any male employees. Mr. Brown has refused to accept data pertaining to a delayed check, or hung up on the requester multiple occasions. 27 CFR 478.39(a) Reporting Theft or loss of Firearms (Repeat of Violation 2014) Each licensee shall report the theft or loss of a firearm from the licensee’s inventory within 48 hours of discovery. The licensee failed to complete the entire listing of firearms missing from inventory as instructed. The licensee failed to submit the listing of firearms missing from inventory to the ATF Stolen Firearms program as instructed redacted firearms were reported as missing inventory as a result of the inspection redacted firearms were missing from the 2014 inspection, Mr. Brown failed to follow instructions given by IOI's on both occasions. 27 CFR 478.58 State or Other Law The licensee transferred firearms earlier than the 10 business day wait according to Washington State Law. The licensee conducted business or activity contrary to State Law. On redacted occasion the licensee transferred a firearm earlier than the 10 day wait according to Washington State Law. The licensee failed to maintain a valid Washington State Firearms license. The State firearms license expired on 02/24/2016. The licensee failed to maintain a valid Washington State Firearms License. The State license expired on 02/24/2016. 27 CFR 478.102a Sales or Deliveries of Firearms on & after Nov. 30, 1998 (Repeat of Violation 2014) The licensee failed to conduct the required National Instant Criminal Background Check ( NICS ). On redacted occasions the licensee failed to conduct the required NICS check. IOI redacted instructed Mr. Brown that he must complete the required NICS check prior to returning the firearm to the consignment owner during the 2014 Inspection. 27 CFR 478.102(c) Sales or Deliveries of Firearms on & after Nov. 30, 1998 The licensee shall initiate a new NICS check prior to completion of the transfer when the transaction is not completed with-in the 30-day period. On redacted occasion the licensee failed to initiate a new NICS check prior to completion of the transfer when the transaction is not completed with-in the 30-day period. 27 CFR 478.129(b) Records Retention (Repeat of Violation 2014) The license shall maintain the Firearms Transaction Record for a period of not less than 20 years after the date of sale or disposition . On redacted occasion the licensee was unable to locate a transaction record associated with a firearms transfer, unknown transaction dates. Mr. Brown stated that he tears up the forms if the customers don’t come back within (30) days. 27 CFR 478.124(a) Firearms Transaction Record (Repeat of Violation 2014) The licensee shall not sell or otherwise dispose of any firearm to any person other than another licensee, unless the licensee records the transaction on a firearms transaction record. On redacted occasions, for an unknown time period, the licensee returned consigned firearms to the original consignee without having the consignee execute a Firearm Transaction Record. IOI redacted instructed Mr. Brown that he must complete the required Firearms transaction record prior to returning the firearm to the consignment owner during the 2014 Inspection. 27 CFR 478.124(b) Firearms Transaction Record (Repeat of Violation 2014) The licensee failed to file the Firearms Transaction Record in a Manner prescribed by the regulation. The licensee filed the Firearms Transaction Record by separating the handgun and long gun transfers in different files. 27 CFR 478.124 (c)(1) Firearms Transaction Record (Repeat of Violation 2014) On redacted occasions licensee accepted the Firearms Transaction Records (ATF Forms 4473) with blank or incomplete responses by the transferee. 27 CFR 478.124(c)(3)(i) Firearms Transaction Record (Repeat of Violation 2014) On redacted occasions licensee failed to accurately record the transferee's identification on the Firearms Transaction Records (ATF Forms 4473). 27 CFR 478.124(c)(3)(iii) Firearms Transaction Record On redacted occasion the licensee failed to obtain the required documentation showing an exception to the nonimmigrant visa prohibition on the Firearms Transaction Records (ATF Forms 4473). 27 CFR 478.124(c)(3)(iv) Firearms Transaction Record (Repeat of Violation 2014) On redacted occasions the licensee failed to record complete and accurate NICS information in Items #21a, Items #21b, Items #21c and/or Items #21d on the Firearms Transaction Records (ATF Forms 4473). 27 CFR 478.124(c)(4) Firearms Transaction Record (Repeat of Violation 2014) On redacted the occasions licensee failed to properly record the required firearm information (Items #26, 27, 29 & 30) on the Firearms Transaction Records (ATF Forms 4473). 27 CFR 478.124(c)(5) Firearms Transaction Record (Repeat of Violation 2014) On redacted occasions the licensee failed to record both the transferor’s/seller’s signature (item #34) and the date the firearm was transferred (item #36) on the Firearms Transaction Records (ATF Forms 4473). 27 CFR 478.125(e) Records of Receipt and Disposition (Repeat of Violation 2014) On redacted occasions the licensee failed to accurately record the acquisition or disposition of firearms in the A & D record. IOI redacted asked Mr. Brown why the A&D record was not completed as instructed. Mr. Brown stated that "I am busy, I don't give a shit. I am going home at the end of the day no matter what”. 27 CFR 478.126(a) Reporting Multiple Sales or Other Dispositions of Pistols and Revolvers (Repeat of Violation 2014) On redacted occasions the licensee failed to report the multiple sales or other disposition of pistols and revolvers on the Firearms Transaction Records (ATF Form 4473). Mr. Brown failed to follow instructions given by IOI’s on both occasions. During closing, Mr. Brown stated that "I will tell them that they have to come back in 10 days to purchase another hang gun so I don’t have to do the paperwork”. 27 CFR 478.128(b) False Statement or Representation On redacted occasion the licensee knowingly transferred a firearm to a person who knowingly made a false statement or representation in the completion of the Firearms Transaction Form ATF F 4473. The licensee transferred a firearm to a person different than the person completing the ATF F 4473. 27 CFR 478.125a Personal Firearms Collection The licensee shall record in the bound record prescribed by 478.125(e) the receipt of the firearm into the business inventory and record the disposition in the bound records when the firearm was transferred from the business inventory into the personal firearms collection. There were redacted firearms that Mr. Brown stated were his personal firearms that were mixed in with the inventory and had price tags attached to the firearm. The A&D record revealed open dispositions for the firearms. IOI redacted discussed this with Mr. Brown in the 2014 inspection. A comparison of the 2014 compliance inspection and the 2016 recall inspection revealed that the number of violations has increased and Mr. Brown has not changed his business practices: •Mr. Brown failed to respond to the Trace request from NTC according to law/regulations. •Mr. Brown continues to lose firearm redacted from his inventory. redacted Firearms from the 2014 compliance inspection. •Mr. Brown failed to submit the Theft/Loss Report according to law/regulations. •Mr. Brown continues to not maintain the Firearm Transaction Record ATF F 4473 according to regulations. •Mr. Brown continues to not complete the Firearm Transaction Record ATF F 4473 according to regulation. •Mr. Brown continues to return consignment firearms without completing the Firearm Transaction Record ATF F 4473. •Mr. Brown continues to not conduct the NICS checks according to regulation. •Mr. Brown continues to not complete the multiple handgun sale report according to law/regulations. •Mr. Brown continues to not record firearms that are maintained in the inventory. •Mr. Brown continues to not accurately record firearms in the A&D Record according to regulations redacted acquisitions not recorded timely and/or correctly redacted Firearms not recorded prior to inspection redacted dispositions not recorded timely and/or correctly redacted Dispositions not recorded or duplicate entry •Of the redacted ATF Forms 4473) completed, redacted contained errors or omissions redacted errors). During the 2014 compliance inspection, redacted Firearm Transaction Records were reviewed redacted contained additional error redacted errors).
The licensee was cited for 19 violations of which 13 were repeat violations from 2014. Several of these violations fall into the category of revocation. Such as, not keeping up with making acquisition & disposition entries, failure to execute form 4473 , failure to report & submit theft/loss reports, failure to submit report of multiple sale forms and not conducting NICS checks. I am recommending a DIO Warning Conference .
Concur with DIO Warning Conference
If an inspection uncovers regulatory violations, the licensee receives a report outlining these violations. This section lists the violations found in the inspection, as well as a general description of each offense. More details on the nature of the licensee's specific violations may be found in the report PDF.
This licensee was cited for 19 violations.
Citation | Description | |
478.124(c)(1) | Failure to obtain a Form 4473 showing the transferee's name, sex, address, date and place of birth, and other required information. 🔗 | |
478.124(c)(3)(iv) | Failure to record the date NICS was contacted and the NICS response on Form 4473. 🔗 | |
478.124(c)(4) | Failure to record on Form 4473 the manufacturer, importer, type, model, caliber or gauge, and serial number of the firearm being transferred. 🔗 | |
478.124(c)(5) | Failure of the licensee to sign or date a Form 4473. 🔗 | |
478.102(a) | Failure to conduct or complete a NICS check before transferring a firearm. 🔗 | |
478.102(c) | Failure to initiate a new background check after more than 30 days have elapsed from the initial check. 🔗 | |
478.126a | Failure to report the sale of two or more pistols or revolvers to an individual during five consecutive business days. 🔗 | |
478.129(b) | Failure to retain Forms 4473 for the required duration of time. 🔗 | |
478.128(b) | False statement or representation by a person other than a licensee. This carries a maximum penalty of a $5,000 fine and/or five years imprisonment. 🔗 | |
478.39a | Failure to appropriately report the theft or loss of a firearm from a licensee's inventory. 🔗 | |
478.25a | Failure to immediately respond to a request for information from an ATF officer at the National Tracing Center. 🔗 | |
478.58 | Conducting business or activity in violation of state or other law. 🔗 | |
478.125(e) | Failure by a dealer to properly maintain a record of the receipt and disposition of firearms. 🔗 | |
478.21(a) | Failure to provide all of the information called for in required forms. 🔗 | |
478.124(a) | Failure to record the transfer of a firearm on a Form 4473. 🔗 | |
478.124(b) | Failure to maintain ordered records of all Forms 4473. 🔗 | |
478.124(c)(3)(i) | Failure to obtain identification from a transferee or document it on Form 4473. 🔗 | |
478.124(c)(3)(iii) | Failure to obtain required documentation showing an exception to the prohibition on transfers to nonimmigrant aliens. 🔗 | |
478.125a | Failure to properly maintain a personal firearms collection. 🔗 |
Source: Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. About the data »