Miller, Ronald Lee Jr & Miller, Ronald Lee Sr
Miller Firearms
Warning letterThis gun pawnbroker was cited for 1 violation. The inspection resulted in a warning letter.
A warning letter is the least severe action the ATF can take against a licensee with compliance issues. The letter advises the licensee to comply with regulations.
ATF data indicates that this license is no longer active.
1014 South Main
Corbin, KY 40701
Whitley County
Number | 4-61-235-02-7M-02155 |
Type | Pawnbroker in firearms |
Expiry | License inactive |
Inspection Timeline
Compliance inspections are conducted by one or more ATF officers. After the lead investigator submits a recommendation, one or more ATF supervisors will review the inspection and either concur with or adjust the recommendation.
This page contains information about a single inspection conducted between 2015 and 2017. The ATF may have inspected this licensee before and/or after the inspection detailed here.
Officers spent a total of 43 hours conducting this inspection. 44 days passed between the assignment and the final review. The licensee received a final outcome of warning letter.
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Conduct full EEI Inspection following instructions provided in the Frontline Manual and FY 16 Coding Guidelines.
On October 19, 2015, S/l redacted initiated a firearms compliance at the business premises of redacted. Both Ronald Miller Sr. and Ronald Miller Jr. were present for this inspection. A Report of Violations was issued for violation of 27 CFR 478.125(e). The licensee failed to record redacted dispositions of firearms in the A & D Record. ATF Forms 4473 were located for redacted of the missing firearms, and a theft/loss report was submitted for the remaining redacted firearms. A closing conference was held on November 3, 2015. An Acnknowledgement of Federal Firearms Regulations was executed and signed. A Warning Letter was sent to the licensee. See attached report, exhibits, and worksheets for details of inspection.
W/L sent on 11/16/2015. Pll sent on same date.
If an inspection uncovers regulatory violations, the licensee receives a report outlining these violations. This section lists the violations found in the inspection, as well as a general description of each offense. More details on the nature of the licensee's specific violations may be found in the report PDF.
This licensee was cited for 1 violation.
Citation | Description | |
478.125(e) | Failure by a dealer to properly maintain a record of the receipt and disposition of firearms. 🔗 |
Source: Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. About the data »