Shooters Supply And Sporting Goods Inc
Warning letterThis gun dealer was cited for 4 violations. The inspection resulted in a warning letter.
A warning letter is the least severe action the ATF can take against a licensee with compliance issues. The letter advises the licensee to comply with regulations.
3450 Richardson Rd
Independence, KY 41051
Kenton County
Number | 4-61-117-01-8B-37617 |
Type | Dealer in firearms |
Expiry | Feb 1, 2024 |
Inspection Timeline
Compliance inspections are conducted by one or more ATF officers. After the lead investigator submits a recommendation, one or more ATF supervisors will review the inspection and either concur with or adjust the recommendation.
This page contains information about a single inspection conducted between 2015 and 2017. The ATF may have inspected this licensee before and/or after the inspection detailed here.
Officers spent a total of 151 hours conducting this inspection. 183 days passed between the assignment and the final review. The licensee received a final outcome of warning letter.
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EEI - NKY Surge. Conduct firearms compliance inspection.
On February 28, 2017, Industry Operations Investigators redacted, redacted, and redacted conducted an announced compliance inspection of Shooters Supply and Sporting Goods, Inc. due to the amount of travel and coordination involved for this team inspection. Present for the inspection was Alex Logsdon, manager and Responsible Person . IOI redacted held a closing conference with the licensee on March 22, 2017. This was the licensee’s fourth compliance inspection. The inspection period covered the timeframe of February 28, 2016 through February 28, 2017. The scope of the inspection included a full inventory of the licensee’s firearms, a review of the licensee’s A&D record to ensure completeness and accuracy, and a review of the licensee's ATF Forms 4473 on file for the past 12 months. Mr. Logsdon was identified by his Kentucky driver’s license. The licensee obtained a Type 01 Federal firearms license on November 16, 1999. Shooters Supply and Sporting Goods, Inc. is a locally owned and operated commercial business located at 3450 Richardson Road, Independence, Kentucky 41051. The licensee is engaged in the business of buying and selling new and used firearms for profit. Shooters LLC sells ammunition and shooting accessories, such as holsters and scopes, and also provides an onsite shooting range that is used daily by customers for a nominal fee. All of the licensee’s firearms are stored on-site at the business premises. There is not off-site storage. There are several clerks who handle the firearm transactions at the licensed premises. Employee turnover is high. Shooters Supply and Sporting Goods, Inc, does not import or export firearms. The licensee occasionally takes guns for consignment. The licensee’s primary suppliers are redacted. The licensee does not hold any other ATF licenses or hold any government contracts. The business can be found online at The licensee does not participate in internet sales or gun shows. The business does not utilize any off-site storage. At the time of inspection, the license had redacted firearms in inventory. Approximately redacted of the licensee’s firearms were new and redacted were used. Approximately redacted of the licensee's firearms were handguns and redacted were long guns. In the past 12, months the licensee had acquired approximately redacted firearms and disposed of approximately redacted firearms. The licensee’s premises are in compliance with all State and local licenses and zoning requirements. Shooters Supply and Sporting Goods, Inc. is a corporation owned and operated by Responsible Persons, Jeffrey Blank and Alex Logsdon. Shooters Supply and Sporting Goods, Inc. is active and in good standing with the Kentucky Secretary of State. No additional responsible persons were identified during this FFL inspection. There have not been any changes in ownership or control. No hidden ownership is suspected. ROV Issued. Warning Letter Only and No Recall Inspection . No referrals were made as a result of this inspection. The licensee was cited for 4 violations of the Gun Control Act as a result of this FFL inspection. IOI redacted recommends a warning letter and no recall inspection. The licensee failed to record the acquisition of a firearm in the A&D record prior to this inspection in redacted instances, which is 0.1% of the licensee’s total acquisitions during the inspection period. The licensee failed to record the disposition of a firearm in the A&D record prior to this inspection in redacted instances, which is 1.7% of the licensee’s total dispositions during the inspection period. There were redacted firearms for which a disposition could not be reconciled. These firearms were reported missing on an ATF Form 3310.11, Federal Firearms Licensee Firearms Inventory Theft/Loss Report; see ATF Incident # F20170000607. In redacted instances the licensee was cited for the appearance of less-than-adequate standard operating procedures relevant to the ATF Form 4473 completion and a lack of attention to detail. In redacted instances the licensee transferred a firearm prior to receiving a final NICS response and 3 business days have not elapsed. On March 22, 2017, IOI redacted conducted a closing conference with Responsible Person, Alex Logsdon. IOI redacted issued an ATF Form 5030.5, Report of Violations, to the licensee. The licensee was cited for 4 violations of the Gun Control Act. IOI redacted discussed the violations cited with the licensee in great detail. IOl redacted asked Mr. Logsdon if he understood why he was cited for 4 violations as a result of this inspection. Mr. Logsdon stated, "Yes, I agree with all of them, it was just an oversight, we will do better in the future." The Acknowledgement of Federal Firearms Regulations was executed and signed and dated by the licensee and IOI redacted (Exhibit 6).
EEI inspection resulted in WL , No Recall . Pll sent to FFLC on 4/5/17.
If an inspection uncovers regulatory violations, the licensee receives a report outlining these violations. This section lists the violations found in the inspection, as well as a general description of each offense. More details on the nature of the licensee's specific violations may be found in the report PDF.
This licensee was cited for 4 violations.
Citation | Description | |
478.125(e) | Failure by a dealer to properly maintain a record of the receipt and disposition of firearms. 🔗 | |
478.21(a) | Failure to provide all of the information called for in required forms. 🔗 | |
478.124(c)(1) | Failure to obtain a Form 4473 showing the transferee's name, sex, address, date and place of birth, and other required information. 🔗 | |
478.102(a)(2)(ii) | Transferring a firearm before three business days have elapsed from the date that the licensee contacted NICS. 🔗 |
Source: Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. About the data »