Venegas Ventures, LLC
The Gun Stash
Warning letterThis gun dealer was cited for 6 violations. The inspection resulted in a warning letter.
A warning letter is the least severe action the ATF can take against a licensee with compliance issues. The letter advises the licensee to comply with regulations.
ATF data indicates that this license is no longer active.
12043 SW 117th CT.
Miami, FL 33186
Miami Dade County
Number | 1-59-025-01-7K-31613 |
Type | Dealer in firearms |
Expiry | License inactive |
Inspection Timeline
Compliance inspections are conducted by one or more ATF officers. After the lead investigator submits a recommendation, one or more ATF supervisors will review the inspection and either concur with or adjust the recommendation.
This page contains information about a single inspection conducted between 2015 and 2017. The ATF may have inspected this licensee before and/or after the inspection detailed here.
Officers spent a total of 51 hours conducting this inspection. 170 days passed between the assignment and the final review. The licensee received a final outcome of warning letter.
Hover over underlined text to see definitions of common terms.
Conduct a Disposition Emphasis (DE) Full Scope Dealer Firearms Compliance investigation to determine licensee compliance with Federal firearms laws and regulations since issuance of license Review Acquisition and Disposition Bound Book (or firearms transfers as per Miami Group VI Firearms Trafficking Initiative Review and conduct examination of 100% of ATF Form 4473 - Firearm Transaction Record for the inspection period. Conduct 100% firearms inventory verification. Verify compliance with applicable state, county and local laws and regulations, including compliance with zoning and licensure requirements. Conduct a comprehensive review of Federal firearms laws and regulations and discuss with licensee ATF Publications, Pamphlets, Forms, Open Letters and Rulings associated to the licensee's regulated activities. If license is within 12 months to expiration, provide recommendation to renew license, if appropriate. Complete all N-Spect Fields.
The violations cited and issued, in particular, 478.126a would require a recommendation of: Violation, WC with WL and Recall Inspection , as prescribed in ATF O 5370.1B - Federal Firearms Administrative Action Policy and Procedures. The investigation revealed that the licensee did not realize that the ATF F 3310.4 – Report of Multiple Sales once completed required to be dispatched to ATF/National Tracing Center and the local Police Department. The Licensee had in fact completed redacted of the missing redacted ATF F 3310.4 but retained them in his files. Based on the fact that this is the Licensee's first compliance inspection since the issuance of the FFL in October 1, 2014, IOI redacted is proposing the above noted reduced recommendation for consideration. IOI redacted determined through the interview and observation of the business that the discrepancies disclosed were human error and/or misunderstanding of the Federal firearms recordkeeping requirements and statutory obligations, and not willful neglect or disregard thereof.
A Disposition Emphasis (DE) Dealer Firearms Compliance Investigation conducted on on the above referenced licensee, concurrent with an Amended Application under UI: 764035-2016-0097-B1B disclosed six violations of the Gun Control Act and regulations promulgated thereunder. The disclosed violations will require the Issuance of an ATF Form 5030.5 - Report of Violations. Violations 27 CFR 478.126a redacted instances licensee failed to submit an ATF Form 3310.4 - Report of Multiple Sales or Other Disposition of Pistols and Revolvers) and 27 CFR 478.129(b) redacted instances licensee failed to retain an ATF Form 4473 - Firearms Transaction Record, after a NICS was initiated, and no transfer was completed) will require the scheduling of a Warning Conference and Issuance of a Warning Letter and Recall Investigation. IOI redacted recommends an alternate recommendation of Violations, Warning Letter and No Recall. This recommendation is appropriate and adequate due to the circumstances in which licensee failed to meet reporting requirements under the GCA. Licensee misunderstood reporting and retaining requirements. Licensee has been refered to, discussed and reviewed applicable regulations and acknowledges future compliance. Therefore, an alternate recommend of a Warning Letter is recommended in addition of issuance of ATF Form 5030.5 - Report of Violation, to emphasize to licensee his responsibilities and legal obligations under the Gun Control Act (GCA) and to emphasize the Importance of maintaining records and reports as required under 27 CFR Part 478. The Federal Licensing System (FLS) - License Registration Report requires update as follow: 1) Last Investigation Date: June 20, 2016. Violations, Warning Letter and No Recall Investigation is recommended. Warning Letter sent via certified mail on July 14, 2016 .
Alter reviewing this assignment, I concur with the alternate recommendation of Warning Letter only instead of a Warning Conference. This was the licensee's first compliance inspection and he was fully educated on the regulations during this closing conference.
If an inspection uncovers regulatory violations, the licensee receives a report outlining these violations. This section lists the violations found in the inspection, as well as a general description of each offense. More details on the nature of the licensee's specific violations may be found in the report PDF.
This licensee was cited for 6 violations.
Citation | Description | |
478.21(a) | Failure to provide all of the information called for in required forms. 🔗 | |
478.124(c)(1) | Failure to obtain a Form 4473 showing the transferee's name, sex, address, date and place of birth, and other required information. 🔗 | |
478.124(c)(3)(iv) | Failure to record the date NICS was contacted and the NICS response on Form 4473. 🔗 | |
478.125(e) | Failure by a dealer to properly maintain a record of the receipt and disposition of firearms. 🔗 | |
478.126a | Failure to report the sale of two or more pistols or revolvers to an individual during five consecutive business days. 🔗 | |
478.129(b) | Failure to retain Forms 4473 for the required duration of time. 🔗 |
Source: Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. About the data »